
National Geographic Genealogy Project application Update

Exciting news! National Geographic is reviewing our family genealogy project! If you are part of the family and receive emails from national geographic regarding ms. Anderson's proposal! !!! Please contact me for help filling out your section if you are contacted and have questions. I was required to list a few family members as references within the application for our possible opportunity to gain funding of up to 24 thousand dollars towards genealogy research. the application took me a good long week to complete and lots of hard work! as extensive as our family tree reaches it will be a great benefit to all to learn more about our family and the mystery sections that we just cannot seem to find information to fill in with dna testing, printing costs for family members to have research copies, postage and research etc.The application required specific research information and a break down of exact numbers for a budget for the project so there is enough for a good start for research, dna testing as I said previously here and of course postage, printing and copies to benefit all or as many as possible whom are interested. I am not sure who else they may contact so stay tuned and watch for NG emails just in case! HOW EXCITING!!! hope we gain funding for research for our family. I wish each of you the best of luck as we are all in this together as family. This would benefit our family across the country as well as around the world to show where our ancestors came from all the way from overseas to the United States today and where we ended up as well as hopefully solve so many mysteries and questions we each may have in our research. We have many researches working endlessly across the country in our families and the project would hopefully be able to bring that all together.

1 comment:

  1. well...this was exciting. however, it appears that nat geo did choose other applicants for the grant. however, i encourage each of you to never give up in your quest of Who am I? and Where did I come from?
